Orbit Systems, Inc.

Brazoria County Water & Waste-Water Utility Service Provider

Home Important Water Info

Important Water Info

Homeowner Sewer Line Info

  1. Please do not put grease down any of the drains in your home. This will result in costly repairs for you to unplug your individual line. This can also cause many problems at the wastewater treatment plant.

  2. Please be sure outdoor grease traps are capped to prevent inflow and infiltration to the wastewater treatment plant.

  3. When moving a mobile home off property, be sure to cap off sewer line to prevent inflow and infiltration to the wastewater treatment plant.

Conservation Tips
The following tips will help you conserve water and reduce your monthly water bill in addition to being good for the environment:

Water Quality Information 
Your public water supply is tested routinely by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and this information is available in the annual Consumer Confidence Report.